Grainger CEME

Center for Electric Machinery and Electromechanics

Posts Tagged 'IEEE'

Pilawa-Podgurski earns PELS young engineer award

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Assistant Professor Robert Pilawa-Podgurski has received the Richard M. Bass Outstanding Young Power Electronics Engineer Award from the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) for his innovative work on efficient, yet small and inexpensive power converters. The award is given annually to one PELS member, out of 7,000 researchers and practitioners, to recognize early-career developments and […]


CEME Undergraduate Research and Leadership Awardee Carl Haken Awarded PES Scholarship

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Carl Haken, a CEME Undergraduate Research and Leadership Awardee, is one of four ECE students to win an IEEE Power and Energy Society Scholarship. The scholarship recognizes students of academic achievement in their sophomore year or above who intend to pursue careers in power and energy engineering. It is renewable for three years, with the […]