Past Advanced Research Projects Projects
Advances in the design and application of electric machinery requires innovation in control, modeling techniques and monitoring tools, energy storage, computer-aided design, energy-processing systems and methods, and distributed systems. The CEME supports basic research and the development of new ideas in topic areas most likely to impact the design and use of machines. Other tools, such as dynamic visualization of the magnetic fields in a rotating machine, control architecture for microgrids, automatic generation control, and wide bandgap semiconductors for inverters and drives, are also supported. The objective is to build a fundamental base for advances across all areas of electromechanics.
- ARPA-CRUISE Project Progress Summary
- Computational Tools for Differentiable Multi-Physics Electric Machine Models
- Plasma-Sprayed Ceramic Coatings for Electric Machine Insulation
- Portable, Low-field, Open-Bore MRI
- Scaling of Flat and PCB Stator Windings with Additively Manufactured In-Slot Heat Exchangers
- Winding Short-Circuit Diagnosis of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines Using Artificial Intelligence
2022-2023 Interim
2021-2022 Interim
- Additive Manufacturing for Rapid Prototyping and Active Cooling
- Controller Hardware-in-the-Loop testing of a Centralized Scheduler for Microgrid Operations
- Design and Control of a Distributed Electromechanical Actuator for Bio-inspired Robots
- Electric Machines with Dielectric Microfluidic Cooling of Planar Windings
- Low-Cost Rapid Wide-range Adaptive Drives Using Arduino or FPGA
- Power-Flow Modeling for Inverter-based Systems
- Primary and Secondary Control of Dispatchable Virtual Oscillator-Controlled Grid-Forming Inverters
- Additive Manufacturing for Rapid Prototyping and Active Cooling
- Controller Hardware-in-the-Loop testing of a Centralized Scheduler for Microgrid Operations
- Design and Control of a Distributed Electromechanical Actuator for Bio-inspired Robots
- Electric Machines with Dielectric Microfluidic Cooling of Planar Windings
- Low-Cost Rapid Wide-range Adaptive Drives Using Arduino or FPGA
- Power-Flow Modeling for Inverter-based Systems
- Primary and Secondary Control of Dispatchable Virtual Oscillator-Controlled Grid-Forming Inverters
2019-2020 Interim
2018-2019 Interim
- A Distributed and Scalable Electromechanical Actuator for Bio-Inspired Robots
- Condition-Based Maintenance Algorithms for Power Converters Using Wide-Bandgap Devices
- Differential Power Processing for Voltage Regulation of Series-Stacked Processor Cores
- Differential Power Processing for Voltage Regulation of Series-Stacked Processor Cores to Improve Dynamic Performance
- Developing a Standardized Method for Measuring and Quantifying Dynamic On-State Resistance via a Survey of Low Voltage GaN HEMTs
- Differential Power Processing for Voltage Regulation of Series-Stacked Processor Cores
- Distributed and Scalable Electromechanical Actuation for Agile Systems
- Integrated Motor Drive Using Paralleled GaN HEMTs on Extreme Copper Printed Circuit Boards for High Temperature Operation
- Parasitic Parameters Simulation and Measurement for Electric Machine Windings
2016-2017 Interim
- Decentralized Control of Distributed Energy Resources in Lossy Power Networks
- Differential Power Processing for Voltage Regulation of Series-Stacked Processor Cores
- Distributed Control Architecture for Microgrids
- Distributed Grid Control of Flexible Loads and DERs for Optimized Provision of Synthetic Regulating Reserves
- Dynamic Model Parameter Estimation and Capacitance Prognostics for Single-Phase Induction Motors
- Invariant-Manifold-Based Distributed Voltage Regulation and Frequency Regulation of Islanded Microgrid
- A Paradigm for Utilizing Distributed Energy Resources to Provide Frequency Regulation Services
- A Resonant Switched-Capacitor based 4-to-1 Fixed Ratio Bus Converter with Extreme Efficiency and Power Density
- A Series-Stacked Power Delivery Architecture for Data Centers
- Active Power Decoupling in High Power Density Single-Phase DC-AC and AC-DC Converters
- Adaptive Coordination of Distributed Energy Resources in Lossy Power Distribution Systems for Frequency Regulation
- Control and Design of Power Factor Correction System with Flying Capacitor Multilevel Boost Front-end and Active Energy Buffer
- Decentralized Control of Distributed Energy Resources in Lossy Power Networks
- Differential Power Processing for Voltage Regulation of Series-Stacked Processor Cores
- Differential Power Processing for Voltage Regulation of Series-Stacked Processor Cores
- Distributed Control Architecture for Microgrids
- Distributed Control Architecture for Microgrids
- Distributed Grid Control of Flexible Loads and DERs for Optimized Provision of Synthetic Regulating Reserves
- Distributed Voltage Regulation of Islanded Inertialess AC Microgrids with Lossy Networks
- Dynamic Model Parameter Estimation and Capacitance Prognostics for Single-Phase Induction Motors
- Invariant-Manifold-Based Distributed Voltage Regulation and Frequency Regulation of Islanded Microgrid
- Differential Power Processing for Voltage Regulation of Series-Stacked Processor Cores
- Duty-Cycle Compensation in Flying-Capacitor Multi-Level Converters
- GaN-based Flying-Capacitor Multilevel Boost Converter for High Step-Up Conversions
- High-Density, High-Frequency Multilevel Inverter for More-Electric Aircraft
- IC-Compatible Power Supply Circuitry for Gate Driver of Flying-Capacitor Multi-Level Converters
- Quickest Line Detection and Identification Schemes
- Applying Differential Power Processing to Series-Stacked Processors for Efficiency Improvement in a Multi-Processor Server or System
- Converter Rating Analysis for Photovoltaic Differential Power Processing Systems
- Differential Power Processing for Series-Stacked Processors
- Differential Power Processing for Voltage Regulation of Series-Stacked Processor Cores
- Event-Triggered Distributed Generation Control Architecture for Islanded AC Microgrids
- Measurement-Based Operational Reliability Tools
- Optimal PMU Placement for Quickest Line Outage Detection and Identification
- Optimal PMU Placement for Quickest Line Outage Detection and Identification
- Power Electronic Feasibility and Characterization for Extremely High Temperature Environments
- Quantifying the Impacts on Reliability of Coupling between Power System Cyber and Physical Components
- Quantifying the Impacts on Reliability of Coupling between Power System Cyber and Physical Components
- Resonant Split-Phase Switched Capacitor Converter with High Step-Up Voltage Ratio
- SC Converter to Balance a Stack of Four ARM Embedded Computers
- A Zonotope-Based Method for Uncertainty Analysis in Power Systems with Renewable Generations
- Asynchronous and Distributive Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic Sub-modules Using Differential Power Processing
- Converter Rating Analysis for Photovoltaic Differential Power Processing Systems
- Coordinating Heterogeneous Distributed Energy Resources for Provision of Frequency Regulation Service
- Dithering Digital Ripple Correlation Control for Windowed Sensing for Photovoltaic Maximum Power Point Tracking
- Energy Efficient Building HVAC Systems: From Dynamic Frequency Domain Control to Renewable Energy Integration
- Event-Triggered Distributed Generation Control Architecture for Islanded AC Microgrids
- Fault Detection and Isolation in Switched Linear Systems and Applications
- Impact of Cyber Events on Power System Performance
- Measurement-Based Estimation of Linear Sensitivity Distribution Factors and Applications
- Optimal Tap Settings for Voltage Regulation Transformers in Distribution Networks
- Series-Connected Voltage Domains for Highly-efficient Data Center Power Delivery
- Sub-module Differential Processing for Photovoltaic Applications
- A Distributed Generation Control Architecture for Small-Footprint Power Systems
- A Global Maximum Power Point Tracking Method for PV Module-Integrated Converters
- Dithering Digital Ripple Correlation Control for Photovoltaic Maximum Power Point Tracking
- Hot Spotting and Second Breakdown Effects on Reverse I-V Characteristics for Si Photovoltaic Cells
- Measurement-Based Estimation of Linear Sensitivity Distribution Factors and Applications
- Optimal Tap Settings for Voltage Regulation Transformers in Distribution Networks
- Quantifying the Impacts on Reliability of Coupling Between Cyber and Physical Components
- Series-Connected Voltage Domains for Highly-Efficient Data Center Power Delivery
- Spoofing GPS Receiver Clock Offset of Phasor Measurement Units
- Sub-module Differential Power Processing for Photovoltaic Applications
- Type-C Wind Turbine Model Order Reduction and Parameter Identification
- A Distributed Approach to Frequency Regulation in Small-Footprint Power Systems
- A Global Maximum Power Point Tracking Method for PV Module-Integrated Converters
- A Set-Theoretic Framework to Assess the Impact of Variable Generation on Power Flow
- Distributed Algorithms for Voltage Control in Distribution Networks
- Improving Efficiency, Performance, and Reliability of Solar Photovoltaics using Differential Power Processing
- Observer Based Fault Detection Filters for Inverters and STATCOMs
- Passivity-Based Synchronization of Inverters in a Microgrid
- Photovoltaic Differential Power Converter Trade-Offs as a Consequence of Panel Variation
- Power Grid Stability Analysis based on Synchronized Phasor Measurements
- Spoofing GPS Receiver Clock Offset of Phasor Measurement Units
- A Method to Study the Effect of Renewable Resource Variability on Power System Dynamics
- A Parametric Uncertainty Analysis Method for Markov Reliability and Reward Models
- Comprehensive Optimization and Practical Design of DC-DC Converters under Multiple Competing Performance Demands
- Distributed Algorithms for Voltage Control in Distribution Networks
- Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide into Value-Added Chemicals
- Improving Microprocessor Power Delivery by Connecting Voltage Domains in Series
- In-Lab Research Grid Generator Control of Hydro Resource and Pumped Hydro: Long-Term Energy Storage Systems
- Reliability Engineering for Smart Grid Applications: Assessing Threats to PMU Synchronization and Algorithms through GPS Spoofing
- Robust Implementation of Distributed Algorithms for Control of Distributed Energy Resources
- Series and Parallel Interleaved Inverters
- Voltage-Offset Resistive Control for Photovoltaic Converters
- Accelerating Electric Machine Analysis with Parallel Processing
- Assessing the Impact of Wind Variability on Power System Small-Signal Reachability
- Decentralized Control of Distributed Generation using Markov Chains
- Distributed Photovoltaic AC Module
- Dynamic Performance of Maximum Power Point Trackers for Residential Photovoltaic Systems
- Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide into Value-Added Chemicals
- Energy-Based Control of Augmented Buck Converters for Near Ideal Load Transient Response
- Exploratory Design of Electromechanical Devices Using the Transfer Relations Theorem
- Hardware Testbed for Quickly Detecting Both Fast and Slow Faults in DC-DC Power Converters
- Low Transient-Sensitivity Photovoltaic Control
- Markov Models to Analyze Photovoltaic System Reliability and Performance
- Robust Adaptive Control of Induction Motors Using the L1 Control Scheme
- Time-Optimal Control of DC-DC Converters
- Wind Farm Model for Power System Stability
- A Framework for Assessing the Reliability of Wind Energy Conversion Systems
- A Model for Predicting Frequency Dependence of the Inductance and Resistance of Inductors with Laminated Core
- Automated System Identification and Controller Tuning for Digitally-controlled DC-DC Converters
- Design Verification of Power Electronics Systems Subject to Uncertainty
- Efficient Algorithms for Performance and Reliability Modeling and Analysis of Fault-Tolerant Systems
- Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide into Value-Added Chemicals
- Investigation of accelerating numerical-field analysis methods for electric machines with the incorporation of graphic-processor based parallel processing techniques
- Local Control of ISOP Push-pull Converters with Uneven Load Sharing
- Low-Inertia Stand-Alone Grid with Droop Control
- Maximum Power Point Tracking Feasibility in Photovoltaic Energy Conversion Systems
- Microgrid Modeling and Analysis Using the Automated State Model Generation Algorithm
- Package-embedded Magnetic Inductors for Voltage Regulators Powering the CPU
- Tracking of Unstable Eigenvalues
- Digital Control of Power Electronics with Field Programmable Gate Arrays
- Distributed Generation
- Electrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide into Value-Added Chemicals
- High Performance Dc-Dc Converters
- Identification of Critical Lines for Power System Operational Reliability assessment
- Modeling and Control of a Microinverter for Alternating-Current Photovoltaic Modules
- Modeling the Magnetic Field Generated by Corroding Metals
- Multiresolution Simulation of PWM Dc-Dc Converters
- Real-time Estimation of Power System Dynamics
- Reduced-Order Modeling of Electromechanical Systems
- Tracking of Unstable Eigenvalues
- Voltage Regulator Module for Loads with Fast Transients: Predictive Energy Optimization and More
- Wind-Powered Electrical Systems: Highway Rest Area, Weigh Stations, and Team Section Buildings
- A magnetic sensing approach to characterize corrosion in reinforced concrete
- A Microgrid Architecture with Multiple-Input dc/dc Converters: Applications, Reliability, System Operation, and Control
- Automated physics-based reduced-order modeling of electromechanical systems
- Behavioral Analysis of Various IGBT Structures under Hard and Soft Overcurrent Turn-off
- Biomechanical Energy Conversion
- DC-DC Converter Design with Integrated-Circuit Implementation and Predictive Energy Optimization Scheme
- Design and Analysis of Pulse-Width Modulation Techniques for Spectrum Shaping
- Dynamic modeling of multiple-input power converters
- Fast Post-Contingency Eigenvalue Calculation
- Geometric and Game Theoretic Control of Energy Assets in Small Scale Power Systems
- Identification of Critical Cutsets for Static Collapse Analysis
- Integrated Electric Machine and Drive for Single-Phase Applications
- Optimization of power converters in portable energy sources
- Reduction of Dynamic Nonlinear Models of Magnetic Devices
- The Development of Power System Load Models Using PMU Data
- Transient Reduction of dc-dc-Converters via Augmentation and Geometric Control
- Algorithm to Determine Minimum Contingency Set in Voltage Collapse Scenarios
- Analysis and System-On-a- Chip Implementation of Digitally Controlled Multi-Port DC-DC Converters
- Automated Model-Order Reduction of Rotary Magnetic Devices
- Autonomous Local Controls in a Distributed DC Power System
- Biomechanical Energy Conversion Technology
- Commutation Technique for High- Frequency-Link Switching Power Converter Based on State-Machine Control
- Computer-Aided Averaged Modeling of dc-dc Converters
- Gauss-Seidel Power-Flow Convergence with Negative Reactance Values
- Hurricane Katrina Damage Assessment of Power Infrastructure for Distribution, Telecommunications and Back-up
- Integrated Machines and Drives
- Low-Order Nonlinear Dynamic Models Extracted from a Finite Eelement Method–Based State-Space Formulation for Magnetic Devices
- Microgrid-distributed architecture using modular multiple-input dc-dc converters
- Mitigation of Power System Collapse through Active Dynamic Buffers
- Optimization of Fuel-Cell Power Converters
- Performance Limits of dc-dc Converters and Control
- Power System Modal Extraction Via Variable Projection Algorithm
- Sensorless Current Mode Control to Stabilize an Input-Series-Output- Parallel Converter
- Spectrum Management for PWM Switching Signals
- Biomechanical Energy Conversion Technology
- Commutation Technique for High-Frequency-Link Switching Power Converter Based on State-Machine Control
- Gauss-Seidel Power Flow Convergence with Negative Reactance Values
- Integrated Machines and Drives
- Low-Order Nonlinear Dynamic Models Extracted from an FEM-based State-Space Formulation for Magnetic Devices
- Microgrid-Based Telecom Power System
- Microinverter for Photovoltaic Systems
- Microprocessor Implementation of Modulation-based Harmonic Elimination
- Minimum Number of System Elements That Cause Voltage Callapse
- Mitigation of Power System Collapse through Active Dynamic Buffers
- Optimization of Fuel-cell Power Converters
- Performance Limits of Dc-Dc Converters and Control
- Power System Modal Extraction Via Variable Projection Algorithm
- Review of Wind Energy Conversion System
- Switching Signal Spectrum Management