Annabelle Epplin, the 2020 winner of The Grainger CEME Undergraduate Research and Leadership Award, and Joyce Mast, Coordinator for The Grainger Center for Electric Machinery and Electromechanics, demonstrated making s’mores with a solar oven while discussing the Electrical and Computer Engineering Building (ECEB)’s solar array. ECEB has about 950 solar panels producing about 275 kilowatts […]
'Uncategorized' Category Archives
Carle Illinois Welcomes Haran and Oelze
Eight faculty from The Grainger College of Engineering have joined Carle Illinois College of Medicine with Health Innovation Professor appointments, including Illinois ECE professors Kiruba Haran and Michael Oelze. The new faculty deliver on Carle Illinois’ strategy to leverage the University of Illinois’ exceptional faculty to serve as agents of change in medical education, innovation, […]
Illinois ECE Graduate Student Wins Prestigious IEEE Awards
llinois ECE graduate student Megan Culler, advisee of Professor Peter Sauer, recently won the 2019 IEEE-USA Jim Watson Student Professional Awareness Achievement Award, recognizing IEEE members who volunteer to share their professional experiences with students and encourage active, lifelong IEEE membership. This award was established in 2011, but this is the first year that a […]
Huynh Named 2021 Siebel Scholar
Illinois ECE PhD student Phuc Thanh Huynh, advisee of Professor Arijit Banerjee, has been named a 2021 Siebel Scholar. The Siebel Scholars program recognizes the most talented graduate students at top universities in the fields of business, computer science, bioengineering, and energy science. Each year around 90 students are selected based on academic merit and […]
InSPIRE Solar Powered Outdoors Table (SPOT)
The SPOT project is a completely student-designed and -implemented outdoors table retrofitted with solar panels used to charge an off-grid solar energy system. The plan is to provide students a space to sit and study outside while charging their devices (cellphones, tablets, laptops, etc.) using solar energy, and allow them to interact with solar energy […]
Securing Flight’s Clean Future with Cryogenics and Superconductivity
Joshua Feldman, a graduate student in Professor Kiruba Haran΄s research group, is currently working to solve a rather lofty problem… literally. They are addressing the uncertain outcome of airline travel in an envirocentric future by developing a superconducting motor with the help of cryogenics. The goal is to produce a fully superconducting motor with an […]
NASA Backs Development of Cryogenic Hydrogen System to Power All-Electric Aircraft – CHEETA
University of Illinois has announced that NASA is underwriting a project to develop a cryogenic hydrogen fuel cell system for powering all-electric aircraft. Funded by a three-year, US$6 million contract, the Center for Cryogenic High-Efficiency Electrical Technologies for Aircraft (CHEETA) will investigate the technology needed to produce a practical all-electric design to replace conventional fossil […]
Arijit Banerjee Wins the Ronald W. Pratt Teaching Award
The Ronald W. Pratt Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award recognizes Banerjee’s sustained excellence in undergraduate teaching and his guidance of undergraduate students. Faculty are nominated for the award by current and former students. The department then collects letters of recommendation from other ECE professors and colleagues, as well as from former students who have since moved […]
“Megawatt-Scale Power-Electronic-Integrated Generator with Controlled DC Output,” ARPA-E $2 Million Grant Awarded to Professors Arijit Banerjee, Alejandro Domínguez-García, George Gross and Kiruba Haran
High efficiency, power density, and reliability are critical in megawatt-class wind energy conversion systems. Operating over a limited speed range, the generator ac output is usually rectified first to dc, enabling subsequent connection to an electric grid. Conventional high-power ac-to-dc conversion architectures predominantly rely on using fully controlled power-electronic switches, making the system bulky, lossy, […]
The Illini Solar Car Team Won Fourth Place at the 2019 Formula Sun Grand Prix
Over the last year, the Illini Solar Car team has worked hard designing and manufacturing a second-generation vehicle. They improved its operations and competitiveness resulting in a fourth-place finish at the 2019 Formula Sun Grand Prix. This race marked a successful finish for the team’s first car, Argo, as it placed right behind three newer […]