Grainger CEME

Center for Electric Machinery and Electromechanics

2015-2016 Publications and Patents

D. Apostolopoulou, P. W. Sauer, and A. D. Domínguez-García, “Balancing authority area coordination with limited exchange of information,” in Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2015.

D. Apostolopoulou, P. W. Sauer, and A. D. Domínguez-García, “Distributed optimal load frequency control and balancing authority area coordination,” in Proc. North American Power Symposium, 2015.

C. B. Barth, “Implementation of dithering digital ripple correlation control for photovoltaic maximum power point tracking with windowed sensing,” Technical Report UILU-ENG-2014-2517, CEME-TR-2014-07, Dec. 2014.

C. Barth, I. Moon, Y. Lei, S. Qin, and R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski “Experimental evaluation of capacitors for power buffering in single-phase power converters,” in Proc. IEEE ECCE, 2015, pp. 6269–6276.

C. Barth and R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski, “Dithering digital ripple correlation control for photovoltaic maximum power point tracking,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 30, no. 8, pp. 4548–4559, Aug. 2015.

R. C. Bell, “Power management of series connected photovoltaic sub-modules using the element-to-virtual bus differential power processing architecture,” Technical Report UILU-ENG-2014-2516, CEME-TR-2014-06, Dec. 2014.

R. Bell and R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski, “Decoupled and distributed maximum power point tracking of series-connected photovoltaic submodules using differential power processing,” IEEE J. Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electron., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 881–891, 2015.

R. Bhana and T. J. Overbye, “The commitment of interruptible load to ensure adequate system primary frequency response,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 2055–2063, 2016.

A. Bose, T. J. Overbye, and S. Grijalva, “Seamless bulk electric grid management,” PSERC Publication 15-08, Nov. 2015.

W. T. Burns and P. T. Krein, “PESC: The early years [A look Back],” IEEE Power Electron. Magazine, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 12–15, 2015.

V. T. Buyukdegirmenci, “A framework for dynamic characterization and short-term thermal capability  assessment of electric machines and inverters in motor drives,” Technical Report UILU-ENG-2014-2503, CEME-TR-2011-01, Apr. 2014.

V. T. Buyukdegirmenci and P. T. Krein, “Control for high momentary torque from vector-controlled induction machines,” in Proc. IEEE IEMDC, 2015, pp. 897–903.

S. T. Cady, A. D. Domínguez-García, and C. N. Hadjicostis, “A distributed generation control architecture for islander ac microgrids,” IEEE Trans. Control Syst. Technology, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 1717–1735, Sept. 2015.

S. T. Cady, A. D. Domínguez-García, and C. N. Hadjicostis, “Distributed frequency control of inertia-less ac microgrids,” in Proc. IEEE Control and Decision Conference, Osaka, Japan, 2015, pp. 2018–2023.

E. Candan, “A series-stacked power delivery architecture with isolated converters for energy efficient data centers,” Technical Report UILU-ENG-2014-2511, CEME-TR-2014-05, Jul. 2014.

E. Candan, P. Shenoy, and R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski, “A distributed bi-directional hysteresis control algorithm for server-to-virtual bus differential power processing,” in Proc. IEEE COMPEL, 2015.

E. Candan, D. Heeger, P. S. Shenoy, and R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski, “A series-stacked power delivery architecture with hot-swapping for high-efficiency data centers,” in Proc. IEEE ECCE, 2015, pp.571–578.

E. Candan, P. S. Shenoy, and R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski, “A series-stacked power delivery architecture with isolated differential power conversion for data centers,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 3690–3703, May 2016.

Y. Cao, Y. Lei, R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski, and P. T. Krein, “Modular switched-capacitor dc-dc converters tied with lithium-ion batteries for use in battery electric vehicles,” in Proc. IEEE ECCE, 2015, pp. 85–91.

Y. Cao, J. A. Magerko, T. Navidi, and P. T. Krein, “Dynamic energy management needs in low-energy buildings imposed by stochastic solar resources,” in Proc. IEEE Int’l. Conf. Complex Syst. Eng., 2015.

Y. Cao, J. A. Magerko, T. Navidi, and P. T. Krein, “Dynamic filtering of stochastic solar resources using HVAC drive control — A determination of feasible bandwidth,” in Proc. IEEE ECCE, 2015, pp. 3127–3134.

Y. C. Chen, T. Banerjee, A. D. Domínguez-García, and V. V. Veeravalli, “Quickest line outage detection and identification,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 749–758, Jan. 2016.

Y. C. Chen, A. D. Domínguez-García, and P. W. Sauer, “A sparse representation approach to online estimation of power system distribution factors,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1727–1738, 2015.

D. Das and P. T. Krein, “Voltage regulation of a series-stacked system of processors by differential power processing,” in Proc. IEEE Workshop Control and Modeling for Power Electron., 2015.

K. R. Davis, C. M. Davis, S. A. Zonouz, R. B. Bobba, R. Berthier, L.Garcia, and P. W. Sauer, “A cyber-physical modeling and assessment framework for power grid infrastructures,” IEEE Trans. Smart Grid, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 2464–2475, Sept. 2015.

L. DeVille, S. Dhople, A. D. Domínguez-García, and J. Zhang, “Moment closure and finite-time blowup for piecewise deterministic Markov processes,” SIAM J. Applied Dynamical Syst., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 526–556, Jan. 2016.

A. D. Domínguez-García and C. N. Hadjicostis, “Distributed resource coordination in networked systems described by digraphs,” Systems & Control Letters, vol. 82, pp. 33–39, Aug. 2015.

J. Galtieri, “Differential power processing for increased solar array energy harvest,” Technical Report UILU-ENG-2015-2510, CEME-TR-2015-03, Apr. 2015.

J. Galtieri and P. T. Krein, “Impact of differential power processing on inter-row shading in solar arrays,” in Proc. IEEE COMPEL, 2015.

K. Gegner, A. Birchfield, T. Xu, K. S. Shetye, and T. J. Overbye, “A methodology for the creation of geographically realistic synthetic power flow models,” in Proc. IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois, 2016.

K. Gegner, K. S. Shetye, T. J. Overbye, J. D. Weber, “Visualization of power system wide-area, time-varying information,” in Proc. IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois, 2016.

J. D. Glover, T. J. Overbye, and M. S. Sarma, Power System Analysis and Design, 6th Edition, by Cengage Learning, 2016.

S. Guo and T. J. Overbye, “A maximum a-posteriori based algorithm for dynamic load model parameter estimation,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications, 2015, pp. 428–433.

C. N. Hadjicostis, N. H. Vaidya, and A. D. Domínguez-García, “Robust distributed average consensus via exchange of running sums,” IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, vol. 61, no. 6, 1492–1507, Jun. 2016.

M. Hagge, “Engineering economic analysis of solar PV installations considering power conversion alternatives,” Technical Report UILU-ENG-2016-2504, CEME-TR-2016-03, Apr. 2016.

K. Haran and D. Loder, “High power density superconducting machines,” Special Session on Future Electric Aircrafts, in Proc. IEEE ECCE, 2015.

K. S. Haran, D. Loder, T. O. Deppen and L. Zheng, “Actively shielded high-field air-core superconducting machines,” IEEE Trans. Applied Superconductivity, vol. 26, no. 2, pp. 98–05, Mar. 2016.

S. K. Harmukh, “Diagnosis of arcing in retaining rings of turbogenerators,” Technical Report UILU-ENG-2016-2503, CEME-TR-2016-02, Apr. 2016.

D. Heeger, “Compact and efficient power electronics with applications to battery management systems,” Technical Report UILU-ENG-2016-2505, CEME-TR-2016-04, Apr. 2016.

T. R. Hutchins and T. J. Overbye, “Power system dynamic performance during the late-time (E3) high-altitude electromagnetic pulse,” in Proc. 19th Power Syst. Computation Conference, Genoa, Italy, June 2016.

O. Kahveci and T. J. Overbye, “Optimization framework for topology design challenges in tactical smart microgrid planning,” in Proc. EEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois, 2016.

M. Kazerooni, H. Zhu, and T. J. Overbye, “Use of sparse magnetometer measurements for geomagnetically induced current model validation,” in Proc. North American Power Symposium, 2015.

K. Kim, “Hot spot detection and protection methods for photovoltaic systems,” Technical Report UILU-ENG-2014-2509, CEME-TR-2011-03, July 2014.

K. A. Kim, G.-B. Seo, B.-H. Cho, and P. T. Krein, “Photovoltaic hot-spot detection for solar panel substrings using ac parameter characterization,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 1121–1130, 2016.

K. A. Kim, P. S. Shenoy, and P. T. Krein, “Converter rating analysis for photovoltaic differential power processing systems,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1987–1997, 2015.

S. J. Kim, R. K. Nandwana, Q. Khan, R. Pilawa-Podgurski, and P. K. Hanumolu, “A 4-phase 30–70 MHz switching frequency buck converter using a time-based compensator,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 2814–2824, Dec. 2015.

S. Kim and T. J. Overbye, “Condition-based exciter model complexity reduction for improved transient stability simulation,” Generation, Transmission & Distribution, IET, vol. 9, pp. 1894–1902, 2015.

S. Kim and T. J. Overbye, “Mixed transient stability analysis using ac and dc models,” IEEE Trans. Power Systems, vol. 31, pp. 942–948, Mar. 2016.

S. Kim and T. J. Overbye, “Optimal subinterval selection approach for power system transient stability simulation,” Energies, vol. 8, pp. 11,871–11,882, 2015.

A. Y. S. Lam, B. Zhang, A. D. Dominguez-Garcia, and D. Tse, “An optimal and distributed method for voltage regulation in power distribution systems,”  IEEE Trans. Power Systems, vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1714–1726, Jul. 2015.

Y. Lei, C. Barth, S. Qin, W.-C. Liu, I. Moon, A. Stillwell, D. Chou, T. Foulkes, Z. Ye, Z. Liao, and R.C.N. Pilawa-Podgurski, “A 2 kW, single-phase, 7-level, GaN inverter with an active energy buffer achieving 216 W/in³ power density and 97.6% peak efficiency,” in Proc. IEEE APEC 2016, pp. 1512–1519.

Y. Lei, W-C. Liu, and R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski, “An analytical method to evaluate flying capacitor multilevel converters and hybrid switched-capacitor converters for large voltage conversion ratios,” in Proc. IEEE COMPEL, 2015.

Y. Lei, R. May, and R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski, “Split-phase control: achieving complete soft-charging operation of a Dickson switched-capacitor converter,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 770–782, Jan. 2016.

Y. Lei and R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski, “A general method for analyzing resonant and soft-charging operation of switched-capacitor converters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 5650–5664, Oct. 2015.

Y. Lei, Z. Ye, and R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski, “A GaN-based 97% efficient hybrid switched-capacitor converter with lossless regulation capability,” in Proc. 2015 IEEE ECCE, pp. 4264–4270.

D. Loder, “Actively shielded air-core superconducting machines: optimization and design considerations,” Technical Report UILU-ENG-2016-2510, CEME-TR-2016-05, Apr. 2016.

D. Loder and K. S. Haran, “Multi-objective optimization of an actively shielded superconducting field winding: Pole count study,” in Proc. IEMDC 2015, pp.1709–1714.

D. Loder, R. Sanchez, M. Feddersen, K. Haran, M. Sumption, M. Tomsic, J. Yue, and D. Doll, “A conduction cooled Nb³Sn racetrack coil: Design, construction, and testing,” in Proc. IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois, 2016.

B. Macy, “Analysis and design of high power density resonant switched-capacitor converters,” Technical Report UILU-ENG-2015-2508, CEME-TR-2015-02, Apr. 2015.

J. A. Magerko, Y. Cao, and P. T. Krein, “Quantifying photovoltaic fluctuation with 5 kHz data: Implications for energy loss via maximum power point trackers,” in Proc. IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois, 2016.

M. Magill, “An investigation of electronic pole changing in high inverter count induction machines,” Technical Report UILU-ENG-2015-2505, CEME-TR-2015-01, Apr. 2015.

M. P. Magill and P. T. Krein, “A dynamic pole-phase modulation induction machine model,”  in Proc. IEEE IEMDC 2015, pp. 13–19.

M. P. Magill, P. T. Krein, and K. S. Haran, “Equivalent circuit model for pole-phase modulation induction machines,” in Proc. IEEE IEMDC 2015, pp.293–299.

C. Mak, S. Sridharan, and P. T. Krein, “Fault modeling and simulation for more-electric aircraft systems,” in Proc. IEEE COMPEL, 2015.

J. Martin, A. Yoon, and K. Haran, “Design of high-frequency Litz ‘air-gap’ windings for high-power density electrical machines,” Electrical Manufacturing & Coil Winding Expo 2016 – Milwaukee, May 2016.

J. McClurg, “A regulated series-connected power delivery architecture for server clusters in highly efficient datacenters,” Technical Report UILU-ENG-2014-2508, CEME-TR-2011-03, July 2014.

S. Mohapatra and T. J. Overbye, “Fast modal identification, monitoring, and visualization for large-scale power systems using dynamic mode decomposition,”in Proc. 19th Power Syst. Computation Conference, Genoa, Italy, Jun. 2016.

O. A. Ogunnubi and T. J. Overbye, “A resource adequacy assessment of Nigeria’s power system,” in Proc. North American Power Symposium, 2015.
T. J. Overbye and R. J. Thomas, “Introduction to the electric energy systems track,” in Proc. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2016, pp. 2495–2295.

T. J. Overbye and J. D. Weber, “Smart grid wide-area transmission system visualization,” Engineering, Chinese Academy of Engineering, vol. 1, Dec. 2015, pp. 466–474.  Available online at

R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski, W. Li, I. Celanovic, and D. J. Perreault, “Integrated CMOS energy harvesting converter with digital maximum power point tracking for a portable thermophotovoltaic power generator,” IEEE J. Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electron., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 1021–1035, Dec. 2015.

S. Qin, “Sub-module differential power processing for photovoltaic applications,” Technical Report UILU-ENG-2014-2510, CEME-TR-2014-04, Apr. 2014.

S. Qin, C. B. Barth, and R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski, “Enhancing micro-inverter energy capture with sub-module differential power processing,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 3575–3585.

S. Qin, Y. Lei, C. Barth, W-C. Liu, and R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski “A high-efficiency high energy density buffer architecture for power pulsation decoupling in grid-interfaced converters,” in Proc. IEEE ECCE, 2015, pp. 149–157.

S. Qin, Y. Lei, C. B. Barth, W-C, Liu, and R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski “Architecture and control of a high energy density buffer for power pulsation decoupling in grid-interfaced applications” in Proc. IEEE COMPEL, 2015 [Best Paper Award].

S. Qin, R. Serna and R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski “A data-driven approach to the design of photovoltaic maximum power point tracking techniques using field transient data,” in Proc.. IEEE ECCE, 2015, pp. 6629–6634.

B. A. Robbins, H. Zhu, and A. D. Domínguez-García, “Optimal tap setting of voltage regulation transformers in unbalanced distribution systems,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 256–267, Jan. 2016.

G. Rovatsos, X. Jiang, A. D. Domínguez-García, and V. V. Veeravalli, “Comparison of statistical algorithms for power system line outage detection,” in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2016, pp. 2946–2950.

A. W. Schneider, Jr. and P. W. Sauer, “Power system stability,” Handbook of Electric Power Calculations (edited by Beaty and Santoso), Section 16, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 429–474, 2015.

M. Schuck and R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski, “Ripple minimization through harmonic elimination in asymmetric interleaved multiphase dc-dc converters,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 7202–7214, Dec. 2015.

K. Shetye and T. J. Overbye, “Modeling and analysis of GMD effects on power systems: An overview of the impact on large-scale power systems,” IEEE Electrification, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 13–21, 2015.

K. S. Shetye, T. J. Overbye, and D. Doern, “Assessment of discrepancies in load models across transient stability software packages,” in Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2015.

K. S. Shetye, T. J. Overbye, S. Mohapatra, R. Xu, J. F. Gronquist, and T. L. Doern, “Systematic determination of discrepancies across transient stability software packages,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol 31, no. 1, pp. 432–441, Jan. 2016.

S. Sridharan and P. T. Krein, “Optimizing variable dc link voltage for an induction motor drive under dynamic conditions,” in Proc. IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, 2015.

S. Sridharan and P. T. Krein, “System-level loss minimization of VSI-based induction motor drives,” in Proc. IEEE IEMDC, 2015, pp. 1761–1767.

A. Stillwell and R. C. N. Pilawa-Podgurski, “A Resonant switched-capacitor converter with GaN transistors for series-stacked processors with 99.8% power delivery efficiency,” in Proc. IEEE ECCE, 2015, pp. 563–570.

K. E. Van Horn, A. D. Domínguez-García, and P. W. Sauer, “Measurement-based real-time economic dispatch,” in Proc. IEEE PES General Meeting, 2015.

K. E. Van Horn, A. D. Domínguez-García, and P. W. Sauer, “Sensitivity-based line outage angle factors,” in Proc. North American Power Symposium, 2015.

J. Wang and Y. Han, “Integrated modular motor drive design with GaN power FETs,” IEEE Trans. Industry Applications, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 3198–3207, Jul. 2015.

M. Williams, S. Sridharan, S. Banerjee, C. Mak, C. Pauga, P. T. Krein, A. Alleyne, A. Jacobi, and S. D’Urso, “PowerFlow: A toolbox for modeling and simulation of aircraft systems,” in Proc. SAE Aerotech Cong. 2015, SAE Technical Paper 2015-01-2417.

T. Xu, W. Jang, and T. J. Overbye, “An economic evaluation tool of inertia services for systems with integrated wind power and fast-acting storage resources,” in Proc. 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Poipu, HI, 2016, pp. 2456–2465.

T. Xu and T. J. Overbye, “Application of set-theoretic methods to assess the locational impacts of inertia services on the primary frequency responses,” in Proc. IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois, 2016.

A. Yoon, “High-frequency, high-pole count design for improving specific power density of electric machines,” Technical Report UILU-ENG-2016-2502, CEME-TR-2016-01, Apr. 2016.

A. Yoon, X. Yi, J. Martin, Y. Chen, and K. S. Haran, “A high-speed, high-frequency, air-core PM machine for aircraft application,” in Proc. IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois, 2016.

B. Zhang, A. Y. S. Lam, and A. D. Tse, “An optimal and distributed method for voltage regulation in power distribution systems,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 30, no. 4, pp. 1714–1726, 2015.

H. Zhu and T. J. Overbye, “Blocking device placement for mitigating the effects of geomagnetically induced currents,” IEEE Trans. Power Syst., vol. 30, pp. 2081–2089, July 2015.


P. L. Chapman, B. T. Kuhn, R. S. Balog, J. W. Kimball, P. T. Krein, and A. Gray, “Apparatus for converting direct current to alternating current using a frequency converter,” U. S. Patent 9,093,919, July 28, 2015.

P. T. Krein, R. H. Campbell, and N. R. Shanbhag, “System and method for improving power conversion for advanced electronic circuits,” U. S. Patent 9,116,692, August 25, 2015.

A. L. Lentine, G. N. Nielson, M. Okandan, B. B. Johnson, and P. T. Krein, “Microinverters for employment in connection with photovoltaic modules,” U. S. Patent 9,143,053, September 22, 2015.

P. L. Chapman, B. T. Kuhn, R. S. Balog, J. W. Kimball, P. T. Krein, A. Gray, and T. Esram, “Apparatus and method for controlling dc-ac power conversion,” U. S. Patent 9,225,256, December 29, 2015.

R. M. Zirin, K. S. Haran, M. J. Douglass, and R. R. Kalluri, General Electric Company, 2016. “Cooling assembly for electrical machines and methods of assembling the same.” U.S. Patent 9,246,373. Issued January 26, 2016.

D. J. Perreault, J. Rivas, A. Sagneri, O. Leitermann, Y. Han, and R. Pilawa-Podgurski, “Resonant dc-dc boost converter,”  U.S. Patent No.: 7,889,519.